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2×30 minutes of soothing music, selected by Lil Mofo.
Transparent green tape with screen printed clear cases and boxed-corner cellophane wraps.
Limited to 30 copies.
Thanks to Momo, Dan, Mayuka, Surely Sean, Warzou, Mayumi, Otto and Benito.
ZZZEN™ returns with numero secundo of its Songs With No End cassette series, inviting Tokyo’s duchess Lil Mofo for a one-hour, graceful ballad. The ex-Lonely Only host navigates through space and time, R’N’B, piano solos and loose electronics, building up koto-style a sonic dream machine Gysin would rave on. Shed the lights, push play, smoke a blunt and hear the bunraku going..
If something is broken, you’re a lucky guy, you have a unique piece in your hands.
If you don’t like the sound, go talk directly to Momoko.
InstagramNewsletter℗ 2022 ZZZEN™
InstagramNewsletter℗ 2022 ZZZEN™